Legality rating

Pastelli srl has decided to "measure and document" its commitment in compliance with ethics and legality, obtaining from the Authority Guarantor of Competition and Market (AGCM) the Rating of Legality with score. Specifically, the aim is promoting and introducing principles of ethical behaviour in the company, through the assignment of an award measured in "stars".
The possession of the minimum requirement involves the assignment of the Rating with the score of a star. The score increases with the voluntary improvement of the performance of legality, sustainability and social responsibility of the company.
From October 2017, thanks to the agreement between Infocamere and AGCM, the visures extracted from the Companies Register will contain an indication of the Legality Rating issued to companies that have passed the scrutiny of the Guarantor Authority. The obtaining of the Rating of Legality is certified by the insertion in the appropriate list (available on line) of the Authority Antitrust (www.agcm.it). For every virtuous company in possession of Rating the relative score is indicated.
Informative obligations for public grants: the State aid and de minimis aid received by our company are listed in the National Register of State Aid referred to in Article 52 of Law 234/2012, which can be accessed at the following link: https://www.rna.gov.it/trasparenza/aiuti